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Empreinte Ring Set

18k Gold Vermeil

Caresse Ring

18k Gold Vermeil

Éclat Ring

18k Gold Vermeil

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Spotlight On:

Lisa-Marie Schiffner

BRUNA sits down with content creator, fashion entrepreneur, and founder of LMWY app, Lisa-Marie Schiffner. Learn about how her style has evolved, how she practices mindfulness, and her BRUNA jewelry must-haves.

How do you practice mindfullness?

By consciously taking time to rest and to process difficult situations—by keeping a journal, for example—I can collect myself better and go through life more mindfully. I often find spending time in nature is the best way to connect with myself.

How would you describe your style?

It's hard to pin down because my style varies depending on my life situation. I love trying out new things—be it larger pieces of jewelry or smaller, simpler ones—depending on my mood.

How has your style evolved since you started your Instagram channel?

I was 12 or 13 years old when I started my channel, so I was still quite young. One thing has remained constant since then—my passion for creative images and videos. It fills me with joy to be able to do something I'm passionate about and to develop myself further. On my profile, you can definitely see how far I've come in developing my photography skills, which makes me proud because everyone starts from scratch. And even though I've grown and changed a lot, I've always remained true to my values, vision, and narrative, because if you're good at something, you should stick with it. I'm excited to see where the journey goes.

What does a typical day look like for you?

As a content creator and entrepreneur, I juggle a variety of tasks every day. From filming to editing to uploading, I do everything myself. Creating my daily story is an integral part of my everyday life, and I always strive for a balance. Content creation takes up most of my time, but events and assignments are now also part of my everyday life. I'm currently investing a lot of time into my first startup, especially my app LMWY, which requires a lot of attention. My everyday life is always changing, which can be both a challenge and an enrichment. Patience, hard work, and ease are qualities that I maintain in order to never question my passion for photography and videography.

What’s one thing that you can always find in your shoulder bag?

I always carry a second pair of earrings in my BRUNA pouch. I've gotten into the habit of doing this because I commute often. That's why I often switch to smaller earrings for relaxed rides. I also always carry something with me to store my jewelry. Makeup, lip gloss, and my camera go with me everywhere too.

Which of BRUNA's values resonates with you the most?

I love timeless jewelry that I can wear for a long time. Longevity is crucial for me. These pieces accompany me in everyday life, but also on special occasions such as events and weddings, so I come to associate them with beautiful memories. I'm also a big fan of brands founded by women.

What’s the everyday jewelry piece you can’t live without?

I love earrings like the Vivo Earrings or rings like the Dahlia Ring. I immediately feel naked without earrings. They just give my face and my everyday look that certain something extra.